TRF believes that it is everyone's responsibilities within the microsystems community to take care of and contribute to the wellbeing of the microsystems community. TRF needs the commercial and academic community to assist in this endeavor. The TRF meetings bring together the professionals from industry and the research world within the national labs and academia. These are unique educational and networking opportunities totally focused on the topics within the microsystems community and allow for those attending to have access to the top industry leaders and decision makers (current and future).
On behalf of the Transducers Research Foundation Board, we would like to thank all our commercial and academic sponsors for their generous support of all the TRF meetings over the past many years. This support has enabled our continued efforts to stimulate and foster research in microsystems and nanosystems throughout the world.
In contrast to most technical conferences, commercial sponsorship funds for TRF-related activities are used ONLY to further our core mission of supporting student travel and enabling high-quality meetings. Having conducted or underwritten over forty successful meetings over the past three decades, TRF has found that providing funds for students to attend meetings and present their work fosters their academic and professional development and helps establish and strengthen their professional networks, even as it furthers the advancement of these vibrant technical fields.
In years past, all TRF activities have been supported solely through direct sponsorship of individual technical meetings such as the Hilton Head Workshop, AMERICA Transducers, and the like. Beginning in 2018, however, this funding approach has been augmented through additional annualized TRF Corporate and Academic Stewardship opportunities.
We acknowledge our inaugural Corporate and Academic Stewardship sponsors for their generous support of this exciting new level of involvement and their encouragement of the TRF sponsored Student Travel and Registration Grants.
Our commitment with the Steward Sponsorship Level opportunities is to focus on the collaboration, connections and community building conferences which create and bring together the students, professors, MEMS manufacturing corporate designers and manufacturers to discuss the latest and state-of-the-art science in the field of Micro Mechanical Systems.
We hope you will join us and become a member of the Corporate or Academic Stewardship Level today. Please view these benefits to your organization and contact us at for the complete application package and contract.

Michelle Bourke
Stewardship Chair