Submit An Abstract
Frequently Asked Questions

The meeting will be organized in a manner similar to previous years, accepting regular INITIAL ABSTRACT and LATE NEWS submissions for oral or poster presentations. There will also be an OPEN POSTER session on Wednesday evening, before the Rump Session.
There are two primary differences to the organization of this year's meeting:
- Abstract submission will be through an electronic process via the meeting web site.
- Abstracts will be accepted from all previous alumni to the meeting regardless of the location of their current institution.
OPEN POSTER (OP) Abstract Deadlines and Due Dates (No Deadline Extensions):
We will begin accepting OPEN POSTER submissions starting April 14, 2008.
Obtain OP Abstract Reference Number Deadline: | Thursday, May 15, 2008 |
Uploaded 1-Page OP Abstract submitted to the Hilton Head website: | Thursday, May 15, 2008 |
Notification (via email) to Authors: | Wednesday, May 21, 2008 |
All dates end 23:59 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA time.
There will be three (3) groups of topic areas:
- (P) Physical Sensors, Actuators, or Systems
- (C) Chemical or Biological Sensors, Actuators or Systems
- (T) Technology, Materials, Packaging, and CAD
Two of the acceptance criteria for regular and late-news contributed papers will be relaxed for open posters:
- First-ever presentation. Papers very recently published, or presented at another technical meeting (e.g. MEMS 2008, MicroTAS 2007, Transducers '07), or papers having only incremental new results relative to recent presentations, will be considered.
- Completeness of results. Papers where results are preliminary, and full testing has not been completed, will be considered.
Submission Process for Open Poster Abstracts:
Due to time constraints, the Technical Program Chair and a subset of the Technical Program Committee will decide which papers are to be included as OPEN POSTER presentations. Each OPEN POSTER abstract must have an abstract reference number assigned to it. Please view the procedure below to receive your abstract reference number, prepare your abstract correctly and submit your uploaded pdf on time. It is an EASY 2 Step Procedure to complete this submission process.
- Complete the on-line abstract reference number request form to receive your abstract submission reference number. This on-line process to complete the form will be available through May 15, and must be completed before submitting the abstract.
- Create a one (1) page abstract document including all text, references, and figures and limited to 600 words (references and figure captions are not included in the 600-word limit). Your abstract reference number must appear on the upper right hand corner of your first page of your abstract and the abstract requested topic category on the upper left.
If you have any problems with this process or have any special circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact Sara Stearns or Katharine Cline at 1-619-232-9499 or info@hh2008.org.
Please remember the deadline to receive your reference number and upload your abstract in pdf format is Thursday, May 15, 2008. Please note that authors of accepted Open Posters will be expected to participate in the Open Poster Session on Wednesday evening, June 3, 2008 and Open Posters will not be included in the Hilton Head 2008 Technical Digest.