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Poster Instructions

Presentation Guidelines

Best Student Paper

The Technical Program consists of four (4) Invited Speaker Sessions, two (2) parallel Lecture Sessions of contributed papers, and one (1) Poster Session.

Lecture Sessions
Lecture presentations are limited to 15 minutes with an additional 5 minutes allowed for questions and answers (20 minutes total time).

Poster Sessions
Posters will be held in Salon I-III, 2nd floor of the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center. All posters are to be set-up by 19:00 on Sunday, December 2nd, and remain up during the entire Workshop. This will give additional time for attendees to view posters during breaks and before the Workshop sessions. On your assigned time, please plan to be at your poster for questions and discussion.

If you have any questions regarding your presentation, please contact us at info@powermems.org

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