What's Wrong with this Picture?
Making Microsystems Pictures: A Practical Guide to Presenting Your Work

Felice Frankel's visual metaphor representing how a new surface treatment could improve the efficiency of perovskite for fuel cell electrodes. Researcher: B. Yildiz, MIT. Source: "Improved Chemical and Electrochemical Stability of Perovskite Oxides with Less Reducible Cations at the Surface." Nature Materials, 15, nos. 1010 - 1016 (2016).
This year's Rump Session topic tackles one of the most important aspects of publishing in our field: Creating compelling images and graphics that showcase your work while clearly conveying the maximum amount of information to the target audience. Felice Frankel, a renowned expert on scientific imaging, will present tips and techniques to create cover-worthy images of your research. In rump session tradition, attendees will then have an opportunity to apply their hand at these skills, with the results being shared to the Hilton Head community.
Rump Session Format
In order to maximize the impact of this unique activity, attendees will be given an opportunity to have their abstracts evaluated for use during the Rump Session. Selected images and graphics will then be showcased throughout the 2020 Hilton Head workshop to demonstrate the importance and impact of image-based data.
Guest Expert

Science photographer Felice Frankel is a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Department of Chemical Engineering with additional support from Mechanical Engineering. She joined MIT in 1994.
Frankel is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. She was previously a Senior Research Fellow in Harvard University's Faculty of Arts and Sciences as part of the Initiative for Innovative Computing (IIC), and a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Medical School's Department of Systems Biology.
Frankel developed and instructed the first online MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) for edX addressing science and engineering photography. The following link will take you to the 34 tutorials and related supplemental material from this course, now available on MIT's Open Courseware. "Making Science and Engineering Pictures, A Practical Guide to Presenting Your Work." (course 0.111x)
In 2001, Frankel founded the Image and Meaning workshops and conferences whose purpose was to develop new approaches to promote the public understanding of science through visual expression. She was also principal investigator of the National Science Foundation-funded program, "Picturing to Learn", an effort to study how making representations by students, aids in teaching and learning, (Picturing to Learn).
Working in collaboration with scientists and engineers, Felice Frankel's images have appeared in outlets such as National Geographic, Nature, Science, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, Materials Today, PNAS, Newsweek, Scientific American, Discover, Popular Science and New Scientist, among others.
Additionally, Frankel has been profiled in the New York Times, WIRED, Life, Boston Globe, Washington Post, The Chronicle of Higher Education, National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" and "Science Friday" and various European publications. She exhibits her work throughout the United States and in Europe and her limited-edition photographs are included in a number of corporate and private collections. Specific works were also displayed in the exhibition, "Design and the Elastic Mind" at the Museum of Modern Art. " - Source: https://felicefrankel.com/about/felice-frankel-bio/
Rump Session History
The Hilton Head Workshop has a long history of pushing the envelope of academic dialogue surrounding topics related to solid-state sensors, actuators, and microsystems. Held in the evening, the goal of the Rump Session is to provide a medium allowing for scholarly debate, and discussing topically important information, while interacting with others in the Hilton Head community.