To recognize the significant work that authors have put into preparing abstracts to the Workshop, we are offering the opportunity to publish accepted manuscripts, both oral and posters, in an
IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems "Special Proceeding."
In order to finalize and publish the proceeding in August 2020, we are accepting manuscript submissions starting on April 15, 2020 with the
final submission deadline of May 15, 2020 (Extended). We will not extend the submission deadline in order to finish the expedited review process.
For those with accepted papers (oral and poster), please refer to the "IEEE JMEMS Special Guidelines" below. Please note that the format for the journal is different than the original manuscript guidelines.
We are also accepting
Late News submissions for the journal. Please refer to guidelines below for details.
All files (oral, poster, late news) will need to be submitted to JMEMS manuscript central:
mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jmems. If you do not already have an account with the journal, you will need to create one.
Questions regarding the submission may be sent to
IEEE JMEMS Special Guidelines (pdf)
IEEE JMEMS Late News Guidelines (pdf)