
Abstract Classification List
Abstract Guidelines
Abstract Submission
Initial Abstract Acceptance
Late News
Conference Awards
Award Winners

Abstract Guidelines
- Two-page limit - US Letter 8.5 x 11 inches is expected.
- Title, authors (with presenting author underlined) and short affiliations must appear on the first page, as outlined in the sample abstract.
- All figures and tables may appear throughout the abstract
- Make sure that all figures and photographs are clearly visible. If the program committee cannot clearly see and understand the role of the visual material included in the abstract, the material and consequently the abstract likely will be viewed negatively.
- References (in short format) can go on either page.
- Upon acceptance of your abstract, it should be understood that:
- One author from your paper is required to register and present your paper at the MMB 2009 Conference.
- Registration will be completed and paid by Saturday, February 28, 2009.
Sample Abstract
Sample Abstract - PDF
Sample Abstract - Word