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Sample Abstract

In order to submit an Open Poster Abstract for the Hilton Head 2018 Conference, you must first complete the Open Poster Abstract Submission Form by clicking "New Reference Number". Once completed, you will receive your four-digit Open Poster Abstract Reference Number. You must indicate this number in the upper right hand corner of your abstract. This Open Poster Abstract Reference Number will be used as your ID Number throughout the review and manuscript process. Also, your Open Poster Abstract Reference Number and the Family/Last Name of your Primary Contact will be necessary if you wish to change your previously submitted information or withdraw your abstract. The ability to obtain an Open Poster Abstract Reference Number and submit your abstract will close on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 23:59 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA time.

Open Poster Abstract Countdown:

New Open Poster Abstract Reference Number
Obtain a new Open Poster Abstract Reference Number by submitting your contact information, title of abstract and listing all authors.

Existing Open Poster Abstract Reference Number holders:
To access the functions below, enter the four-digit Open Poster Abstract Reference Number and the Last/Family Name of the Primary Contact (case sensitive), then choose the button corresponding to your desired action.

Reference Number:
Last Name:

Modify/Correct Open Poster Abstract Reference Information
View/Modify/Correct previously submitted abstract information ONLY.
Upload and Submit Open Poster Abstract
Submit your PDF file for uploading.
Re-Upload and Submit Open Poster Abstract
Submit your revised PDF file for uploading.
Withdraw/Cancel Open Poster Abstract Submission
Cancel your abstract submission.

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